In This Issue

Marianne Fray at work at the Maternity Care Coalition

Mawrters are spearheading initiatives aimed at providing better support for mothers and families

Students visit the Germantown YWCA as part of their summer digital scholarship.

Digital scholarship summer fellowship combines architecture, data, and community to teach students about social history

Carol Leonnig

An interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Carol Leonnig ’87

Anna Morris inducted into Creative Hall of Fame
Anassa Kata

Anna Morris ’62 receives recognition for her influence in advertising

Games for Change Festival

Mawrters team up on an award-winning, sustainability-themed video game

A group of alums with the new Tsuda bank note.
Our 51¶ÌÊÓƵ

This summer, Japanese 5,000 yen notes featuring Umeko Tsuda, class of 1893, went into circulation, delighting Japanese alums

Marit Danielson
Our 51¶ÌÊÓƵ

Marit Danielson ’90 honors the violin old masters through her work as a modern luthier.

Our 51¶ÌÊÓƵ

Mawrters reflect on how athletics builds community and plays into long-term success
